Steam deck game pass
Steam deck game pass

steam deck game pass steam deck game pass steam deck game pass

Microsoft and Valve worked together to help bring full compatibility of the game streaming service to the Linux-based Steam Deck. Luckily for Steam Deck owners, the answer is yes. But what about the Steam Deck? Is Xbox Cloud Gaming available on Steam Deck? You can even use the service on the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. The service is available on many devices, including Android through the Game Pass app, as well as iOS, Mac, and PC through web browsers. It’s offered as part of the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscription and allows gamers to play over 100 Xbox games without lengthy downloads. Xbox Cloud Gaming is Microsoft’s game streaming service. The device is a full-on gaming PC that you can hold and play on the go.īut, can you use the Steam Deck to stream games using Xbox Cloud Gaming? The handheld gaming market became a lot more complex with the Steam Deck. Of course, these are just very early talks at this point, and as such, fans shouldn’t expect too much out of it just yet, at least for the near future.Quick Answer: Yes, Xbox Cloud Gaming works on the Steam Deck through Microsoft Edge. “If your customers want it, then you should figure out how to make it happen. “We’ve talked to people there quite a bit about that topic,” Newell added. This would also help in introducing Game Pass to Linux-based operating systems, further broadening the reaches of the service. Given the numerous issues that generally pop up with regards to PC versions of Game Pass games, adding access through Steam should prove to be of great help right away, thanks to Valve’s more robust infrastructure in that regard. “But for their customers it’s clearly a popular option, and we’d be more than happy to work with them to get that on Steam.” “I don’t think a something that we think we need to do ourselves, building a subscription service at this time,” Newell said. While Newell quickly denied any plans of developing a “Steam Game Pass”, Valve is more than willing to integrate PC Game Pass with Steam so subscribers are able to download their games directly through Steam’s storefront (much like how’s the case with EA Play). During the interview, Newell also talked about helping Microsoft put PC Game Pass on Steam. In a recent statement issued to PC Gamer, Valve CEO Gabe Newell talked about a potential competitor to Xbox Game Pass to accompany its latest hardware release, the highly-anticipated Steam Deck.

Steam deck game pass